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EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment: Unlocking Net Zero (FIBE3 CDT)


The FIBE3 CDT, in close partnership with its industry partners, aims to develop the next generation of PhD graduates to champion the urgent, complex, inter-connected and cross-disciplinary transition to net zero infrastructure. We will transform their potential by equipping them with the knowledge, skills and qualities to collaboratively engineer the infrastructure that will unlock net zero through conducting world-class, cutting-edge and user-need focused cohort-based training and research to lead the design and implementation of the infrastructure net zero agenda in the UK.

The main objectives are to:

  1. Generate a live and dynamic FIBE3 Roadmap that will act as the umbrella to guide all the CDT activities and its evolution and expansion.
  2. To deliver highly relevant cohort-based training
  3. Co-train with our industry partners highly skilled doctoral students to be net zero infrastructure champions who can maximise and catalyse impact.
  4. Capitalise on our current strong partnerships with industry as well as establish novel industry-academia partnerships as a catalyst to unlock net zero infrastructure.
  5. Build upon existing research strengths and strategic industry investments and embed the FIBE3 CDT firmly within those multi-disciplinary user-focused initiatives relevant to net zero infrastructure.
  6. Deliver highly relevant inspirational training on RRI, Trusted Research, Environmental Sustainability and EDI.
  7. Engage with the wider academic community to promote collaboration and knowledge exchange.
  8. Expand our dynamic networks through our industry partners, CDT alumni, academic collaborators and local communities with active engagement plans in delivering the FIBE3 CDT activities.