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EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment: Unlocking Net Zero (FIBE3 CDT)

  • You will be exposed to the broad field of unlocking net zero infrastructure and built environment.
  • You will learn from and work with leading industry figures.
  • You will become part of an active and diverse community of academics, post-docs and graduate students within the University.
  • The MRes year and its associated modules provide context for a range of professional, commercial and personal skills training while the MRes research project forms the start of the PhD study. 
  • The 4-year MRes + PhD course promotes technical, personal and professional net zero attributes and leverage significant input and involvement with academic, research and industry staff with a wide range of expertise.
  • On completion you will have expert knowledge in the area of unlocking net zero infrastructure and built environment, relevant to your research project.