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EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment: Unlocking Net Zero (FIBE3 CDT)


The overall aim of the MRes year is to provide the cohort with the necessary breadth of background knowledge and skills, both technical and non-technical, to successfully execute their PhD projects and transition into the future leaders in net zero infrastructure.

This necessarily implies equipping them with a holistic perspective on both problem and solution spaces within net zero infrastructure, a solid understanding of relevant current and developing technologies, an acute awareness of the practical hurdles of implementation in industry and society, and a consciousness of the regulatory and policy landscape.

The MRes year will be co-delivered equally with our industry partners through leadership and participation in core modules CM1 and CM3, mini-project and MRes projects, as a shared responsibility to shape the cohort’s appreciation of industry needs, drivers and challenges.

The first two terms (6 months) of the MRes year will focus on taught modules, project work and cohort building activities, while the latter half will focus on the MRes project and extended cohort training activities.