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EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Future Infrastructure and Built Environment: Unlocking Net Zero (FIBE3 CDT)

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CM1 Lecture: James Morton and Ricardo Weigend Rodriguez from Ramboll

8 November 2024

FIBE3 welcomes James Morton and Ricardo Weigend Rodriguez from Ramboll who jointly delivered the 4 th CM1 lecture on the “Circular Economy in the Built Environment”. Ricardo explored the strategic view of the Circular Economy within the global context, and the proposal to integrate it with Foresight, a methodology to...

CM1 Lecture: Alex Winchester, Milestone Infrastructure, AI Digitisation and Data for Net Zero

8 November 2024

Our third CM1 speaker was Alex Winchester, from Milestone Infrastructure, who gave a talk on “AI Digitisation and Data for Net Zero”, from within the Highways Sector. After stressing the importance of acknowledging some of the challenges of putting theory into practice in the highly regulated construction industry, Alex...